Posts Tagged ‘eunice’

Posted: December 9, 2009 in Of Life, Of New Things
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Was internet-less the past 4 days cos I was away in Kuala Kubu Bahru Hospital doing my rotations..It’s somewhat like a camp, had to stay there for 4 days and 3 nights, but not really also, don’t know how to many things happened there and I don’t wanna flood twitter or facebook so just blog about it lah..=)

I survived :

4 days…
– without a proper bed, pillow and blanket.
– of cold baths, lots of sweat and no air-cond
– with 6 other awesome people in a room
– of mosquitoes attacking me, even with repellent on
– of minimal studying =(

3 days…
– “working” in the hospital..clerking patients, talking to them and doing physical examinations
– stalking pregnant ladies hoping that there will be a delivery so that we can watch
– stalking A&E for interesting cases
– eating almost every kind of food they had in the town. well, that was fun..let me elaborate..we went to town, and walked around the whole area looking for good stuff and trying out almost everything..we had ice-cream (which was not that great), waffles (so-so), taufu bakar (was ok, sotong was nice), kaya puffs & tau sar piah (yummy!), and some dai chau place with annoying music where we went for 2 nights straight..
– irritating nurse Rita and giving her headaches =P
– seeing Dr Lim and learning from her..”Luck, and Enthusiasm” *with both fist up in the air* her famous phase.

There was/were:
– 2 mat rempits who got into a very bad accident and gave us the chance to see awesome suturing..
– 5 patients who let us do physical examinations on them
– 2 patients with really interesting findings
– 1 gecko that scared Dr Lim like mad and woke everyone up this morning
– 1 waterfall outing that was totally random and it wasn’t really a waterfall but we had fun
– 1 long night of chit-chatting, with a lot of interesting “findings” 😉
– many awesome friendships made, memories to keep and experiences to share

All in all, I’d say it was quite a good trip even though I really wanted to go home so badly on the first day..even thought of running away..haha! but yeah, I think it opened up my eyes and mind to a lot of things which will not be shared here and I really do appreciate the time we spent together, just doing what we have to do and having fun at the same time..=)

Now it’s back to life and reality = EOS in 2 and a half weeks time. ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

This is me.

Posted: October 28, 2009 in Of Life, Of Personal
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Lately, I haven’t been the Eunice that everyone knows..maybe it’s because of the things that I’m going through, or the change of lifestyle that’s been going on or maybe, it’s because I’ve finally got to be more serious..I keep saying that I want to but I’ve never really succeeded..maybe now I have..finally.

I don’t know. We’ll see how it goes, I’ll give it some more time. Just thought I should share that, and take a short 15mins off my studying also. =)


Posted: September 17, 2009 in Of Personal, Things From My Heart
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There are only some things in life that can make you tear or feel something deep down inside, and I know I experienced one of those things for me today..It could be totally ridiculous to some, nonsense to others but it meant so much to me..

In between classes today, we had an opportunity to watch the video that the Laos team made about their trip..was the trip that I was supposed to go on but couldn’t in the end due to some technical difficulties..I was super sad when I didn’t get to go but that’s another story altogether..They showed videos and pictures of what they did and stuff and some people were complaining that it was taking too long..but while I watched, I couldn’t help but hold back my tears..if it weren’t for the people around me who were like “ehh..why the video so long wan..?” I think I would’ve cried..It wasn’t because I was there during the trip and I felt like I miss the place and was emo..I don’t really know why but my heart just went out to the people there..

If you know me well enough, you’ll know that I get really upset when I hear about people spending money on useless things and wasting money like no one’s’s not because I judge them or anything but I know that there are people out there who can’t even afford to buy proper clothes, don’t even have a place to stay and there are kids out there who eat plain flour and think that it’s the nicest thing in the world (this one’s closer to home, I saw that at our very own OA trip) so don’t talk about social status and all..we’re all under one BIG family, living in one BIG home called Earth. Why can’t we do our part to make it a better place?

I’ve always liked going for mission trips and stuff but I think today, I just knew so super clearly..that this would be something I wanna do in the future..I want to help these people, I want them to live better lives, I want to do my part in making this world a better place..I don’t know what, where and how exactly yet but I know that I want to.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.”

This is my dream. Without form, void and dark. Please hover over it, Lord.


Here’s the 2nd picture of my nephew-to-be..He’s now 11cm big..
would love to bring to him on some mission trips next time..would be quite cool eh? =)

I Like.

Posted: August 12, 2009 in Of Life, Of New Things
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Just now while I was walking back from uni, I suddenly remembered something my friend wrote on his blog quite some time back about how people always know what they don’t like and when you ask them what they do like, they don’t really know..such I thought, maybe I should start being positive..In my quest to become a better me, I shall be more positive..So I decided that from today onwards, I’ll try to purposely notice things that I DO like, and could thank God for..there are many, but we just don’t take time to think about it..instead we spend maybe 85% of our brain capacity thinking about things that we don’t and we, why not be more positive, right?

Really random thought but I’m gonna do it. I think it’ll make me a happier person. =)

yeah, we’ve got no time..My most over-used phrase since sem 3 started is “got no time to poop also, where got time to (insert whatever activity that’s fun)?” it’s so true..we’ve really got no time…so much to study, so much to memorise and exam’s coming in less than a month’s time..sigh~ Here we go again…just that this time round, it’s much tougher…

recently, I’ve been on a mission..Someone told me that I should always compare myself to me..and try to beat myself and be better than me…That’s what I’ve been doing, letting myself get stretched beyond belief, not backing down when I know I can opt to, not giving up when I feel it’s so much easier that way..just believing that even through this process of molding and shaping, that at the end of the day, Eunice Pui would be a better person, inside out. I just wanna be a better me.

So many things happening this few weeks, some more significant than others but I’ve learnt so much, experienced so much, felt so much..There were times when I felt super happy, other times when I felt relaxed, free, like everything that’s bothering me just evaporated, there were also nights where I just can’t sleep, thinking about everything and my mind’s on overdrive..and not too long ago, I felt something new..I remember how I used to tell God “break my heart for what breaks Yours”..yeah, I felt it..hard..the tears that I held back, the anger right after, the disappointment and loneliness I felt, then the acceptance after that..knowing that it’s your decision at the end of the day and I can’t do anything to change it..Gave me a whole new meaning to the word “friends” actually..SO many things, SO MANY….

well anyways, I finally decided to spend some time blogging so I did..not much but good enough..haha! I think I wanna go watch The Proposal alone..I think I will..yes, I will..hehe..good night everyone!

What a day…

Posted: July 21, 2009 in Of Life
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I’ve been getting alot of headaches lately, sometimes even when I just woke up..anyone has any idea what’s happening to me? sigh~ well, I just had one of the longest and most tiring day ever…let me break it down for you..

7.30am : woke up, showered, had breakfast and did my quiet time.
8.30am : went to uni for study group..BUT no one was I read the newspaper then started studying on my own..
9.30am : 2 of my friends came so we started studying the heart together, all the arteries and veins, tried to identify them..
11.00am : went for lunch cos if we go later, the cafeteria will be packed and none of us like that..haha
12.00pm : finished lunch and went back to the library to study some more
1.15pm : went to the lecture theater for the orientation video shoot..took us a long time to shoot just less than 2 mins of footage.
1.40pm : Lecture 1 started..was already falling asleep due to the “excitement” and “fun”
2.40pm : Lecture 1 ended, fell asleep.
2.45pm : Lecture 2 started and it wasn’t any better..lecturer was talking nonsense and taking his own sweet time..then he realised that he’s super behind schedule and started rushing through the rest of the other 20 slides or so..what the…….
4.00pm : Lectures ended, rushed straight for ourselves one of the “best” lecturer in IMU..once he came in, started shouting at us..telling us about respect and how he’s the boss and we shouldn’t make him wait for us and stuff..then he gave us the case and told us to speak up cause otherwise he’ll think that we’re stupid and he said PBL’s a good place to make then we spoke up, and he said we’re idiotic and that we shouldn’t make mistakes cos it’ll cost us someone’s life in the O.M.G.!! what is his problem?!?! that’s why we’re called STUDENTS….gosh..he kept saying that we should be thankful about him teaching us with his 40++ years of experience but seriously, someone’s gotta come back down to earth for hello? we’ve only started our 2nd year like 3 weeks ago, how are we supposed to know as much as you?? We really felt so demoralised and angry after the PBL, who do doctors think they are?!?
5.30pm : PBL ended, I decided to go grocery shopping to clear my head out..bought super alot of stuff and had a crazy time carrying all the bags back to my house..regretted buying so much..
8.00pm : finished dinner, finished writing report to be handed up tomorrow..continue studying
10.00pm : I’m exhausted and I felt like ranting so I’m here..typing this whole thing out…

To sum it up, I had a BAD day…looking at the things I wrote, I think everyone knows who caused it…that PBL lecturer…sigh~ I hope tomorrow will be a better’s gotta be…please? I’m already dreading friday when we have our PBL it okay to pray that someone will get sick? hehehe…..

Wow, a new post after a buhzillion years..I’m SO sorry peoples, have been really really really busy..Semester 3 in IMU is killing me, crazy timetables and schedules, and lotsa stuff happening in church as well..explains the disappearing act..Well,I don’t think I can tell you all EVERYTHING that has happened but I’ll give a rough summary of the most exciting things ok?

  1. I’m going into week 4 of semester 3 and I feel like I’m already lacking behind in my studies..(what am I still doing here then? yeah, I’m wondering also..=P)
  2. I had super bad cough last week..cough until stomach muscles so painful (building my abs according to eld shirley..haha) and cough until my voice gone..went to the clinic on Friday to make sure it wasn’t H1N1..and yeah, I’m cleared..yay!
  3. I helped a bunch of my friends do a review on Transformers 2 while I was on my break..Check it out here.
  4. A team of us went for Revo @ Segi College Kota Damansara last Friday and it was awesome!! God really moved and we had about 14 salvations and 20+ responses..Praise God!
  5. I really feel like a nerd now cause this coming week’s actually quite free in terms of church activities n stuff, and I’m really excited to be able to catch up with my much nerdier can one get? sigh~ IMU changed me..It’s really becoming me..(I am you..? No?)
  6. Had our clinic visitations last 2 weeks..Really enjoyed myself with the group that I went with..had so much fun chilling at the mamak outside the hospital, talking about our lives and sharing different thoughts, riding in my friend’s super chun BMW, listening and talking about songs that we like..etc. had a great time guys, thanks!
  7. I experienced revival. (Can’t really describe it..words just won’t do justice)

So that was more of like, most of the interesting things that happened to me this past few weeks or months..things that i can still remember la at least..haha! Don’t know when i’ll be free again to post but thought I’ll just drop by to let everyone know I’m alive and kicking..woohoo!!